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PFLAG Woodstock VA Memberships

Please take a moment and join our chapter!

By joining the PFLAG Woodstock VA chapter, you automatically become a member of the national PFLAG organization. A portion of the dues goes to the national office, and a portion remains with our local chapter to help us cover the costs of our meetings, programs, and outreach activities. Here are just some of the benefits of membership:

  • Support of families and friends at local meetings
  • PFLAG National email newsletters The PFLAG Voice and Policy Matters
  • Action alerts from PFLAG National
  • Discounts on PFLAG National publications
  • Discounts to regional and national PFLAG National conventions

We encourage you to choose the membership that fits your budget. And if you want to add a couple of dollars to cover the PayPal fees, that would be great too!

Membership Form

Help us know you better too!



Membership runs from October 1st through September 30th.

We would be very grateful for additional donations to help us plan for future events, postage, printing, and related organizational costs.

You can also send a check payable to “PFLAG Woodstock VA” to 3397 Hillcrest Drive, Toms Brook, VA 22660