PFLAG Woodstock VA Memberships
Why Become a Member?
Benefits of PFLAG Woodstock, VA
- $50 Annual, payable through this website. If you donate on PFLAG National’s page we don’t get any of your donation. However, at the end of the year, we pay $15 for each member in our database to the PFLAG National organization.
- Complimentary membership available upon request
Membership to PFLAG Woodstock, VA includes:
- Connections at support meetings from other parents, LGBTQ+ people and allies in our community. Our support meetings are the first Sunday of every month at First Bank in Woodstock from 2:00-4:00
- Being part of a team that educates our community through Safe Zone Trainings.
- Opportunities to engage regularly with other folks and organizations in our community such as other non-profits
- Monthly newsletters to keep you informed about us!
- Ability to vote in board elections + eligibility for board membership. Our membership meetings will be annually in September.
- Your membership dollars support PFLAG Woodstock being a presence in the community for everyone that comes next. Whether it be future parents, LGBTQ+ people and families who need support, or other organizations that will benefit from PFLAG’s presence and education, keeping PFLAG active and funded is critical.
Membership runs from October 1st through September 30th.
We would be very grateful for additional donations to help us plan for future events, postage, printing, and related organizational costs.
You can also send a check payable to “PFLAG Woodstock VA” to 3397 Hillcrest Drive, Toms Brook, VA 22660